A brief little update!
After my last post some of you like me, may have been wondering what in God's name had gone on and why in my last gynecology appointment.
Well, after trying to contact my actual consultants secretary for almost 2 days! (Including sending a concerned email, leaving a voicemail and calling every few minutes for hours straight) I finally got through and managed to explain that my last appointment had been a complete confusing mind-fuck and that I was utterly desperate to have things cleared up.
I'd sent an email to my consultants secretary and also stumbled across his personal email online and forwarded a message along briefly explaining and asking if someone could get back to me. His secretary was very helpful and said she would pass the message along to him personally and ask him if it was possible for him to call me when he was back in his practice to clear things up. I was also sent a new follow up appointment (10 days time) where I can speak with him personally rather than another member of random gynecology staff (PRAISE THE LORD).
I had a very strange experience in which my gyne actually called me to find out what had been said in my last appt and to apologise for any confusion. (Which was very helpful and really appreciated) I explained that I had been told conflicting information in regards to my previous diagnosis and medical history. The other doctor/registrar I had seen as a result of my consultant being too busy was (obviously uneducated in my actual medical history) and had just been literally spewing drivel and I did indeed have endometriosis and he apologised on his behalf for him just completely talking out of his arse.
I've been put on the waiting list for another laparoscopy. (My 3rd) so fingers crossed that I'm on the way to some however temporary, relief.
It just proves that whilst the NHS system is incredibly flawed, it can also equally redeem itself and unless you personally take responsibility and push and chase up things that you're unsure of, you're likely never to get the answers you want.
In future I am most definitely going to request copies of any documents in regards to my PCOS or my Endometriosis so that no matter what- when I go for consultations I am able to physically be on the same page as the person I'm speaking to!
I'm glad to have it all cleared up and very relieved that it was a mis-understanding and not an incorrect diagnosis for almost 2 years! PHEW!
I'm currently having a tough time with constant pelvic pain, phantom periods and bladder pain which is making me want to remain in a permenant fetal position and I'm wondering if there's any one else out there who experiences these symptoms?
I'd LOVE to hear some of your personal pcos/endometriosis or any chronic illness stories and journeys!
You can find me on instagram by searching 'avelvetcrowbar'
Or feel free to email me at: avelvetcrowbar@gmail.com
Hoping you all are having a pain free day and that you're staying fierce and strong
We may have been dealt a shit card but it's upto US how we deal with it!
The (definitely) Endo Artist.
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