Friday, 21 August 2015

Why I share my story.

It's come to my attention recently that not everyone who sees or reads what I post understands why I do it.

Firstly, yes I do share what is probably regarded as private or personal information or pictures but there is a REASON for why I do this. Too many women, or people in general are suffering in silence. We endure these horrible conditions and feel as though they are taboo because of the nature of them. Yes, these are conditions that affect my lady parts, big deal. There's a stigma attached to it that just isn't right. For a long time I didn't share what I was experiencing with anyone because I felt embarassed. There is strength in sharing. Yes it's personal, yes it's terrible but if only one other person reads my posts, or sees my pictures and feels as though they can relate or if it makes them feel a little bit better about themselves, then it's worth it.

Who says we can't talk about it? Who says it's not right to share our stories and journeys? People who feel uncomfortable about it and who cant understand it, thats who. As far as I'm concerned that's your problem, and is something you need to work on yourself. I refuse to be made to feel as though sharing my experiences is wrong.

The most comfort I've had from my hours scouring the Internet for information about my conditions has come from forums or blogs from amazing amazing people who are being incredibly brave and sharing their stories. We do this because we want to let people know IT'S OKAY. It's okay to be sick. It's okay to not be in control of your own body and you should never be ashamed of acknowledging that.

My loneliest days are the ones where I feel I can't express myself or how I feel or how my conditions make me feel. Most of these conditions, Endometriosis in particular is incredibly mis-understood. There's hardly any real understanding medically about how it works. All I know is it makes me feel terrible and I will not be made to feel as though sharing is taboo. It's not. Awareness is key. The more people that know about these conditions the better, not just for the people suffering from these illnesses, but for the people who love or know someone suffering from them too. Giving you a little glimpse into what it is like is meant to help you understand and empathise. All too often we are made to feel as though we have some sort of control over these things that ravage our bodies. The truth is we don't.  But we DO have power to say 'I'm fighting this'. We do have the power to let others know that it's okay to not be okay and hopefully it's providing a better insight into what it's like to live with these issues.

I'm proud to say I fight Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Chronic fatigue, Depression and Overactive Bladder Syndrome on a daily basis. Ignoring what is happening to your body will only make you feel much worse and alone.

I don't feel completely alone anymore because I know there are so many inspirational and amazing people out there fighting with me! We're tough! And we take our negatives to try to make a positive: awareness, medical understanding, support networks.

So if my sharing makes you feel uncomfortable then that's something you need to address within yourself deep down because it will not prevent me from sharing my experiences or my story, and neither should it stop anyone else.

Sending lots of love,

The Endo Artist.


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